

The Band / History

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Our stuff

Well, we are totally 100% non-capatalistic...we dont get a penny. What you pay is just how much we pay, so its all gravy. Ill pay all the shipping and other shit, so dont worry about that. To order just drop me a line and tell me what you want by clicking here.


You can either get DS (Distorted Silence) stickers or FUAH (fucking up a handshake) stickers. we pay by the letter, so the FUAH cost more...arrg. These are vinyl stickers, so they can be put on guitars/cars/helmets/snowboards...anything hard and smooth. Pick what style you want too...choices on the right...-->

DS Stickers:
one inch- ......$1.00
three inch- ......$1.50
five inch-.... three dollars

FUAH Stickers:
one inch-......two dollars
three inch-.....three dollars
five inch-......six dollars


Like the stickers, you can either get DS shirts or FUAH shirts. Pick from either white on black (which looks highly rad) or black on white (which is also highly rad). Pictures are on the right ...I did them in paint, but you get the idea. Click here for a picture of the FUAH basic t-shirt in black and grey. Available in bright yellow, grey, white, baby blue, ash, natural (eww).

Basic T-Shirt..... $ 13.95
Premium T-Shirt.... $ 17.95
Ringer T.......... $ 16.45
Polo Shirt........ $ 20.95
Premium Polo...... $ 25.95
Girls Spaghetti Strap... $ 16.95
Girls Tank Top.... $ 16.95
Girls Raglan (Cool Beans)... $ 19.95
Basic Raglan...... $ 19.95
Basic Long-Sleeve... $ 18.95
Basic Sweatshirt.... $ 22.95
Premium Sweatshirt... $ 27.95
Hoody!!............ $ 33.95

Autographed stuph

Haha lets face it, any of us will be glad to sign a piece of paper or something for free, but if you want picks, sticks, etc...we kinda need those, so itll cost you like a nickel haha.

piece of paper- free
Guitar pick signed by Mike- ...a quarter
Bass pick signed by Kirk-... a quarter
Set of sticks with Matts initials carved in- $1.00
Charlie signing either pick, stick, or paper...see above prices