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Charlie? Kirk?

(howmuchwood) Q: Do you watch Sesame Street? Why or why not?
A: no i don't. in fact most of the shows i watch, i don't pay attention to

(fivecentdummy) Q: Do you consider yourself a tolerant person?
A: hmmm. i'm not sure. be a bit more specific

(sentenced) Q: Coffee or Tea?
A: i don't like coffee and the only tea i like is hot green tea and oolong tea... they taste alot alike

(cookEmon) Q: why do you do the things you do?
A: cause i tried drinking the blood, but it just wasn't working

(whatmeworry) Q: how many pillows do you sleep with?
A: six, counting Bobby and Sara

(potato) Q: who is the celebrity you loathe the most?
A: is bush a celebrity?

(eightdollarhor) Q: Explain the siren I hear in the background. Assume it's not 'the voices.'
A: crap, i acidentally closed the window

(tiysa) Q: Name five things located within an arm's reach of you right this second.
A: a katana (covered in blood, i gotta clean the damn thing) a hole puncher, a few pens, a pair of glasses, and some strange thing that looks like a midgit's condom.(it's this rubber studded thing about half my thumb's length).

(starryyay) Q: What do you suck at that you really wish you could do better?
A: i suck at surfing

(quirkya) Q: What's the best way to get rid of telemarketers?
A: tell them to fuck off unless they want to die

(yofleas) Q: What's the best cure for insomnia?
A: close your eyes.. and try to SLEEP

(knockknock) Q: Are you my mommy?
A: yes, now go clean your room

(uhyeah) Q: Have you ever had a pie that you thought "oh that shouldn't be in a pie" but then you ate it and you were surprised at how good that pie was? Well, what kind of pie was it?
A: i ate an apple pie one time... and i really did not know what was in it.. and om.. i got a piece.. and i ate it.. and i was like oh my gah.. it tastes like apples .. and sure enough it was apple pie.

(chasneeze) Q: Have you ever made a perfect omelette? If so, please share with us how you did it. Please?
A: om.. no.. i have never made a perfect omelette... my omelette are always crooked.. and funny shaped


(Robbie) Q: Why are you so lame?
A: From years of hanging out with you, Rob.

(RabidKiwi) Q: Would you kill someone for an Oreo ice cream cookie sammich?
A: Who wouldnt?

(neveralone22) Q: If you were a bear and I was a rabbit would you eat me?
A: If i were hungry.

(thelightson) Q: What is your stance of Muppet harassment?
A: Are the muppets being harassed or are they harassing? both sound bad

(alyak) Q: When the sky is orange, the wind in blowing from the south, and the trees are perfectly still, is it still okay to talk to the llamas?
A: It is ALWAYS okay to talk to the llamas.

(phatgrrl20) Q: what's the weirdest thing you've found in your shoe?
A: A trained chimpanzee.

(alookcloser) Q: What do you think the best music album ever recorded is?
A: Hmm. Something Corporate "Leaving Through The Window" or Allister "Dead Ends and Girlfriends"

(burkedeggs) Q: Do you know what a horkin is?
A: No.

(frostedfake) Q: Will you still love me tomorrow?
A: Who are you, and do i need to call the police?

(3112) Q: Do you know what cowry shells are?
A: A type of shell, i guess. This isnt 'stump the chumps', remember.

(Emily) Q: Do I have a nice ass?
A: We wouldnt let you be our #1 groupie if you didnt

(stringthing) Q: What guages do you use?
A: A normal question! Flying V- 11-48... Firebird- 13-52... Gio- 11-50

(ouchies)Q: If you were giving a back rub to a leprechaun in a jacuzzi on a Wednesday around noon, how many waffles do u think u could eat the following evening?
A: My head is beginning to ache. You must be friends with that llama guy.

(SoanYwaY)- Q: Why are all your songs so sad?
A: When i grow up i want to be that guy who lives in the creepy house on the corner and yells at kids to get off his property.

(meghan578) Q: Why have you never done "Weekly Insanity" live?
A: Well, it hurts like shit to scream like that for five minutes, and i dont feel like going mute before i'm sixteen.

(justin) Q: Why do you hate Baptists?
A: i definitely do NOT hate baptists, you are confused. i just dont like you.

(anonymous) Q: When are you going to stray away from power chords?
A: uh, either when i die or when i become a lead guitarist, whichever comes first.



(Mike) Q: How do you get your sticks so firm?
A: well normally i have the help of a female assistant

(catstar5) Q: What is it about a girl that makes you horny?
A: sexy legs

(it-pain) Q: If you could BE any body piercing, which one would you be?
A: double zero gauges in the ears

(jonathan) Q: What differentiates you from the other six billion humans on the planet?
A: its cause im 'me' and they arent, im just me, nobody else can be me

(eastbeach) Q: What makes you happy no matter what the situation?
A: the best feeling in the world is knowing that some truly cares about you and you can see it, you can feel the love

(agreyarea) Q: What do you smell like?
A: i smell 'FIERCE'

(wheresthebeef) Q: Orange, color or fruit?
A: Hurts when u get too much in the eye

(funkybutts) Q: Have any of your favorite musical bands influenced you emotionally or in any way??
A: i wouldnt say they influence me but i will say that the music i listen to is noramlly music i can relate with

(hothotfeet) Q: Do you burn candles or incense?
A: i like candles that dont smell...if i wanted the smell id go with incense

(wahsee) Q: Without looking it up on the internet or asking anyone, do you know what Tiramisu is?
A: is this a yes or no question?