Site Template -- Geneology


The Band / History

Band Photos

Friend Pictures

Q and A


Other Band Amigos

Groupies and such

Matt's Artwork

Fan Art

Charlie Art


Get in touch



Groupies and friends and stuff


these are all the girls that are friends/fans of the band...if you wanna be a groupie, just email me. Remember it just means youre our friend...No sexual favors will be asked of you haha, i promise. (unless youre really hot hahaha)


Emily Martin
Chloe McBowie
Angela "Kitten" Lomax
Whitney O'Kelly
Leize Davis
Amanda Banks
Tiffany Stroup
Lisa Knell
Kristen Kennedy
Allison Stoughton
Melody Knight
Jessica Ussery
Sasha Robinson
Rachel Veto
Elizabeth Ervin
Chelsea Mikell
Ashley Russel
Shannon Pesch



These are guys that are friends/fans of DS. Again, if you want to be a friend, email me


Kyle Anderson
Josh Knight
William Vaughan
Patrick Flynn
Robbie McCard
Andrew Reeves
Jordan Hicks
Jon-Michael Perry
Michael Griffin
Taylor Jamrok
Steve Gootman
Michael Chaney
Jeff Perry
Joey Balazs
All the guys from Renaissance! you guys rock